
Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Salon

No matter how much cleaning you do on a day-to-day basis, your salon is bound to get a little rough around the edges at times. It's a good idea to do a deep cleaning annually to make sure your space really sparkles. And what better time than spring, when everyone is focusing on new beginnings and the days are getting longer? Here are a few tips for spring cleaning to get your salon looking fantastic.

1. Set aside adequate time. This cleanse will be much more intense than your normal end-of-day routine. Depending on your salon's size and hours of operation, you may need to spread the project out over several days. List out everything that needs done, estimate the time you'll need for each task and then add at least an extra couple of hours to your estimate.

2. Work around client schedules. Spring cleaning is important, but not at the expense of your clients. Instead of shutting down for an entire day of intense scrubbing, determine what you can do while your salon is open and what you have to be closed for. For example, any behind the scenes cleaning can get done while your stylists are working. Storage areas, some employee break spaces and restrooms (if you have more than one) can all be scrubbed down without any disruption to client services. For areas like the main salon floor, see if you can complete those tasks after hours, or at least block off a few hours far in advance when no clients will be permitted to make appointments.

3. Get close to all surfaces. It can be hard to see your space with fresh eyes when you're there nearly every day, so you might find yourself not noticing exactly what needs a touch-up. Lean, kneel and bend down so you have a close-up view of all the surfaces in your salon. If you're that close, you can't miss dust and grime - even on the bottom of your styling stations and wet stations.

Of course, if you don't feel up to tackling such a big project yourself, another option is to hire a professional cleaning service to do this for you. That's a perfectly viable choice, but do make sure to vet the service you hire and also provide them with a list of everything you expect to have done - so that both parties are on the same page regarding expectations.

Once all the work is complete, you and your clients are sure to notice the difference and enjoy your salon space that much more!


Contact: Tony, Tina, Martin, Wenddy


 Whatsapp:+0086 185-6637-5141
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 Wechat: wechat: 21214141

 Add: XiaWei Industrial Zone, Jiujiang Town, Shunde, Foshan, Guangdong, China